If we never had a problem,
we would not know if God could solve it.
We have to place our faith in the Lord.

Looking at David in the Bible...
All that David had was a few small stones and a sling.
It took just one of those stones and he defeated his giant, Goliath. And if we would put our faith
in our Rock, Jesus,
we will defeat our giant as well.
God bless you... 

 But we do have problems that we face everyday.
Some may be small and some may be big...
But it is our relationship with God that let's us know that God can and will solve them for us...

And the problems that a child of God has, should be given to Him totally. The same way that Jesus gave them to the Father, in the garden, when He prayed 'Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.' (Luke 22:42)

With David, Saul gave David, his own personal armor to use. But after David had it on, he found out that he could not just put on someone else's answer to their problem, because David had not proven it for himself. Yes, Saul had proven his armor for the conflicts that he faced time and time again. But it was not the right answer to David's situation, that he was about to confront and go thru.

But David used what he knew would work for him. For he had proven it, himself. Something that was his size and he had practiced and used it several time. And he was confident in using that sling.
It wasn't another man's talent or answer for their situation, but God had given David, the ability to use his sling and whatever he put in to work for his problem.

So David went up against, and slew, the giant (the problem), with his sling and one of the five stones, that he picked out of the creek. (1 Samuel 17:23-51)

So as a child of God, it's not another person's situation or problem that we need to use, but we need to listen to Him and use what faith, God has given us, and present our problem to God and let Him
take it and answer it...